Confidence in compliance
Are your procure-to-pay processes compliant with all regulations and ethical standards? We ensure peace of mind.
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Make informed buying decisions
Do your buyers have complete transparency into suppliers’ compliance? Make informed purchasing decisions with our solutions.
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Measure your suppliers’ compliance
Track supplier compliance as a key performance indicator (KPI). We offer tools to optimise your supplier compliance management process.
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Optimise your procurement power
Are you getting the most value from your procurement tenders? We help you unlock your full procurement potential and save you money.
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Know your supplier
Concerned about supplier capability and capacity? Our solutions ensure you source from reliable partners.
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Negotiation advantage
Does your team have the skilled negotiators needed for optimal value? Our experts bring superior negotiation skills to the table.
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What We Offer

Prochain Services

Supply Chain Compliance Management

Supply Chain Management (SCM) compliance refers to the adherence and conformity of a company's supply chain activities, processes, and relationships with relevant laws, regulations, standards, and ethical practices.

Strategic Sourcing

Strategic sourcing is an essential component of the procurement process which ensures the optimisation of purchasing activities and supports a company to achieve long-term goals.

Drafting Tenders

The tender process is a critical component of effective procurement, offering numerous benefits to companies. Competitive bidding, promotes fair competition, encouraging suppliers to provide the best value-for-money proposals.

Contract Negotiations

Effective supplier contract negotiations require skilled negotiators who understand the industry, market dynamics, and the specific needs of both the buyer and the supplier.

Contract Drafting & Maintenance

Contracts provide a structured basis for collaboration, minimising uncertainties, and significantly contributing to the overall success and sustainability of business relationships. The significance of contracts with suppliers and contractors can therefore not be overstated.


Electronic Procurement, commonly known as e-procurement, is integral to contemporary procurement practices. It ensures efficiency within the buying process, minimises paperwork, and improves communication between buyers and suppliers through the digital or electronic issuance of Requests for Proposals (RFP), Quotations (RFQ), or Information (RFI).

Supplier Compliance Management

By adopting a proactive approach, our compliance management services go beyond once-off KYC checks. We continuously engage with suppliers or service providers to request new and updated compliance documentation, ensuring ongoing compliance.

Cloud-based Supplier Onboarding Portal

Microsoft Azure cloud-based platform which enables suppliers’ compliance to be managed via one central platform providing companies with complete visibility on their suppliers’ level of compliance regarding legal-, B-BBEE and technical requirements

ESG- & Technical Vendor Assessments

We conduct physical assessments of suppliers using our proprietary assessment matrix, which evaluates key aspects within a supplier’s operations.

Screening & Verification Services

Background checks are a standard practice employed by companies to assess prospective employees before making a hiring decision.

Company Due Diligence

A systematic examination of a business ahead of an event such as a merger or acquisition, capital raise, IPO, or audit. It is the investigation carried out prior to a financial transaction to assess commercial and legal risks, as well as opportunities.

At Prochain, we specialise in ensuring compliance within supply chain departments. Our dedicated team works diligently to help you navigate the complexities of compliance by offering a range of services, including:

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Solving supply chain issues

Client Testimonials

Dr Awie and the complete Prochain team were very professional and were very helpful in explaining, writing and managing our company contracts. All from legal and HR to procurement. They went above and beyond to ensure that we receive the best contract advice possible.

Anè du Plessis Finance Manager - Qeqesha Institute CC

Prochain has become a valuable partner in our vendor onboarding and compliance process. Their professional approach and commitment is second to none and they are always willing to go the extra mile for their clients. We would gladly recommend Prochain to any company seeking support in their vendor onboarding and compliance process.

Shaukat Parker BPI & Governance Manager - Engen Petroleum

Prochain took care of my supplier vetting issues instantly and effortlessly. The customer service was outstanding, and I received exactly the information and reassurance that I needed on all my suppliers. Prochain has ensured that I can work with trustworthy suppliers.

Anè du Plessis Managing Director - Bestfin Financial Services

Prochain has become a trusted partner for Sylvania in assisting with the optimising of the Commercial Department, management of suppliers and a detailed Competitive Sourcing Process. Prochain` s expertise and willingness to go the extra mile delivered a cost savings and robust Commercial management system with clear policies, ensuring strong supplier relationships and also a competitive supplier service delivery.

David Grovè Commercial Manager - Sylvania Metals

Our Strategic Partners

We believe in the power of collaboration and have forged dynamic alliances with like-minded organisations to drive innovation, enhance capabilities, and create mutual value.

Our Clients

Our journey is defined by the exceptional clients we have had the privilege to serve. Discover the success stories, partnerships, and transformative solutions we’ve delivered together.

Let's Optimise Your Supply Chain Compliance Today

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